K. Male'
07 Nov 2017 | Tue 12:08
Fire in Ukulhas island: power to island completely disconnected following fire
Fire in Ukulhas island: power to island completely disconnected following fire
Fire Incidents
Fire breaks out in power house in Ukulhas island
No injuries reported
Fire had not been extinguished so far
Citizens, Police active in scene

A fire has broken out in the power house in Ukulhas island in Alif Alif atoll.

Police media official reported the case was reported around 10.55am on Tuesday and that Police and citizens were attempting to control and extinguishing the fire.

The Island Council’s Vice President Abdullah Firaq reported the fire had broken out in the fuel storage facility and they had difficulty in controlling the fire. He added the citizens of the island were collaborating in quelling the fire.

Due to the fire, power to the entire island had been disrupted, the Council reported.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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