K. Male'
05 Nov 2017 | Sun 15:53
Indian External Affairs Ministry; India and US held discussions over current situation in the Maldives
Indian External Affairs Ministry; India and US held discussions over current situation in the Maldives
Indian Express
US – India
India, US hold discussions over Maldives
Developing Maldives-China ties key on agenda
Extremism discussed as well

India and the United States of America has held talks about the current political crisis and present foreign policy status of the Maldives.

Indian press reports that intensive discussions were held in India’s Foreign Ministry. Key on the agenda were the issues of political detainees, as well as former President Mohamed Nasheed and trials on Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon. The two nations also discussed on the events in Parliament, including the military siege on Parliament premises.

The issue of extremism was also high on the agenda, with both nations expressing concern over implications of IS soldiers returning back to their respective nations. This, they said, included around 200 Maldivians as well. US also expressed their concerns over increasing Chinese influence in the Maldives, including the Government’s decision to participate in China’s Belt and Road Initiative. However, Indian representatives in the meeting had not confirmed they had the same concerns.

US Ambassador to the Maldives and Sri Lanka Atul Keshap represented US in the discussions.

India had remained largely silent on the latest developments on Maldivian political situation. However, this was preceded by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi cancelling his planned visit to the Maldives back in 2015. Following this, Indian media and political pundits claimed that bilateral relations between the two nations had further deteriorated.

Speaking to India’s ‘The Hindhu’, the Maldivian Ambassador to India Ahmed Mohamed said nations, especially western nations, had meted out differing treatment to Maldives and, like before, urged nations not to interfere in internal political matters.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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