K. Male'
29 Oct 2017 | Sun 07:52
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who ruled the nation for 30 years
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who ruled the nation for 30 years
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Kulhudhuffushi Mangrove
Ex-President Maumoon joins the call against the reclamation of HDh. Kulhudhuffushi mangrove
Maumoon, via twitter said that the environment "is not ours to destroy, but to preserve for coming generations"
His half-brother and incumbent President Yameen's administration plans to move forward with the reclamation project, to fulfill his campaign pledge
The HDh. Kulhuduffushi mangrove is one of the biggest in the region

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has joined the call against the government's plans to reclaim the mangrove in HDh. Kulhudhuffushi, to build an airport.

In a tweet sent out on Saturday, the former President emphasized that "our environment is not ours to destroy, but to preserve it for coming generations", with the hashtag "Save Kulhudhuffushi".

His tweet is directed towards the current government's plans to reclaim the Kulhudhuffushi mangrove, the largest in the region; to build an airport, a campaign pledge of Maumoon's half-brother, incumbent President Abdulla Yameen.

Those expressing concern over the project note that they are not against building an airport there, but that "there is a way to move forward with the project without reclaiming the mangrove".

The government has received backlash ever since announcing their plans to reclaim the area, but this has not hindered the project at all, with the Environment Minister giving the green light for the project last Thursday; just two days after the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report was publicized.

However, according to regulations, 10 days should be given for public opinion, starting from the day the report is publicized.

According to the report, the project will have "lasting damage" and is "undesirable from a purely environmental perspective".

They are to actively commence work on the project this November.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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