K. Male'
23 Oct 2017 | Mon 12:27
Mangrove in Kulhudhuffushi island; the area is to be reclaimed to create an airport
Mangrove in Kulhudhuffushi island; the area is to be reclaimed to create an airport
Kulhudhuffushi Airport
Council has no say over mangrove reclamation for airport: Kulhudhuffushi Council
No say on the location of airport
Not consulted in process
Council will not bar any activity that benefits island’s development

Kulhudhuffushi Island Council says the Council has no say over the Government’s plans to reclaim the island’s mangrove to create an airport.

Speaking to RaajjeTV over public concerns regarding the proposed project, Council President Abdul Latheef Hassan said the Council had no say over the proposed project. He added the Council was not consulted on the proposed project either.

In spite of the concerns public and the Council had over mangrove reclamation, Abdul Latheef assured the Council will not bar any activity that benefits and develops the island.

The mangrove is one of the most significant ones in the whole country and connected to the island’s history and culture.

Abdul Latheef also addressed the claims made against the Council, that the Council was actively assisting in reclaiming the mangrove. He said the Council had no mandate on this and that only Environment Ministry and Environment Protection Agency (EPA) will be the bodies accountable on this.



Remarking that citizens wish to create an airport in the island, the Council President said initially the airport was to be located in another area, but had to be reconsidered as there was no sufficient land for it.

Kulhudhuffushi Council further said MTCC’s dredger is expected to arrive in the island on the 25th of this month. Work on the airport is scheduled to begin on November 17th.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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