K. Male'
22 Oct 2017 | Sun 11:40
Ali Zahir: says that Imran was transferred back to jail for refusing to accept a dictatorship
Ali Zahir: says that Imran was transferred back to jail for refusing to accept a dictatorship
Opposition Politicians
Imran was sent back to jail for refusing to accepting a dictatorship: Ali Zahir
Presidents Maumoon, Nasheed expressed concern over transfer

Adhaalath Party Deputy Leader Ali Zahir says that the Party’s leader Sheikh Imran Abdullah was transferred back to jail for refusing to accept a dictatorship.

In a tweet posted on Saturday following Sheikh Imran’s transfer back, Ali Zahir said Imran was transferred back for having refused to accept a dictatorship. The tweet also noted that Sheikh Imran was transferred back mere weeks after the birth of his son.



Both former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed had expressed their concerns over the transfer of Sheikh Imran and Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon back to jail. President Maumoon said the two must be freed immediately, while President Nasheed said this was a sign of how desperate President Yameen was. President Nasheed added that he was sure that the duo will be freed soon.

MP Faris was transferred home on the 10th of this month. He had been detained since July 19th on allegations that he had attempted to bribe his fellow Parliamentarians.

Imran was transferred home on September 21st.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Mohamed Zahir
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