K. Male'
10 Oct 2017 | Tue 12:28
The committee meeting was held on Tuesday, 10th October
The committee meeting was held on Tuesday, 10th October
Mohamed Fazeen
Government Oversight
Parliament committee to summon Fenaka officials over Addu City power predicament
Fenaka officials are to be questioned over the power outages in various parts of Addu City
The case was put forth to the committee by MP Rozaina Adam and MP Ibrahim Shareef
A letter attached expressed that the power outages have caused various hindrances including stalling the region's commercial activities

The parliament’s committee on government oversight has summoned the Fenaka Corporation’s management over the electricity supply predicament in Addu City.

Fenaka Corporation, which is the state utilities company supplying power to outer lying islands, is to be questioned over the power outages in various parts of the city.

The case was put forth to the committee by MP Rozaina Adam and MP Ibrahim Shareef, who attached a letter conveying concerns from their constituents over the sudden power outages and the damages caused by them.

This letter further expressed that the power outages have caused hindrances to the island’s commercial activities and has stopped ongoing examinations at public schools in the regions where outages happen frequently.

While Addu City’s power outage issues have reached parliament committees, it is not a predicament exclusive to the southernmost atoll.

Residents of a number of islands have protested in recent months over the Fenaka Corporation’s failure to provide them with adequate services.

Further, a state audit in September revealed that rampant corruption within the organization has caused immense losses to the company.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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