K. Male'
09 Oct 2017 | Mon 17:11
RaajjeTV News Director Husham Mohamed in Sunday night's Fala Surukhee program
RaajjeTV News Director Husham Mohamed in Sunday night's Fala Surukhee program
Aminath Nuzha
Attacks on Media
Shaheeb’s end goal is to shut down RaajjeTV: Husham
Shaheeb has overreached his, Commission’s mandate
Commission wishes to shut down RaajjeTV

RaajjeTV News Director Husham Mohamed says that the end goal of Broadcasting Commission’s President Mohamed Shaheeb was to shut down RaajjeTV.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program on Sunday night, Husham had criticized the current role the Commission and its head was filling. He noted Shaheeb and the Commission itself had overreached their mandate, both legally and ethically.

Husham added the only difference between the Commission and the arsonists who attacked the station were the tools the two groups had used. As such, he said the arsonists were masked and used petrol as their weapon of choice. Contrastingly, Husham said the members of the Commission were armed with the extremely controversial Defamation Bill.

Husham further said he had never envisioned this day in the history of the nation’s broadcasting history. The penalty, he said, came while the station was talking about the arson attack on the station four years ago.

Husham questioned the Commission’s logic in failing to penalize the individual who had made the defamatory comments while the station was penalized for it. He also questioned why Shaheeb had the mandate to determine what constituted as a threat to national security.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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