K. Male'
07 Oct 2017 | Sat 18:55
Central Henveyru Constituency MP Ali Azim
Central Henveyru Constituency MP Ali Azim
Parliament Watch
MNDF has no legal mandate in Parliament chambers: MP Azim
MP Azim accused of obstruction
If MNDF has a legal mandate in Parliament, then it should be applicable to courts
MPs have a right to determine what happens in Parliament chambers

Central Henveyru Constituency MP Ali Azim has stated that officers of Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) has no mandate in the Parliament Chambers.

Speaking in Friday night’s special program on RaajjeTV over the investigations and trials conducted on Parliamentarians over the incidents that occurred on Parliament floor on July 31st, MP Azim said all these were politically motivated ones.

He added that Parliamentarians had all the right to be in the Parliament floor and conduct their business. Noting that Parliamentarians had the right to determine their own affairs, he said this was clearly written in the Constitution. MP Azim added that while a Speaker was chosen to administer Parliamentary affairs, he had no right to dictate all terms in the Parliament.

Parliament matters of the day, MP Azim said did not go to the length where Police or MNDF assistance was required. Parliament laws are strict on who can be on the floor; as such, MP Azim noted security forces are allowed in the Parliament floor when Parliament requests for it. The Speaker, he added cannot give an order that is not authorized by Parliament members.

He also noted that while he was accused of obstruction, he cannot be charged on that as MNDF personnel had no mandate in Parliament chambers.

If that was the case, MP Azim said security officers should be able to exercise that mandate in lower and apex Courts in the country.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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