K. Male'
12 Sep 2017 | Tue 10:20
Former President Maumoon A. Gayoom and MP Faris Maumoon donates to Raajje TV's Rohingya Fund
Former President Maumoon A. Gayoom and MP Faris Maumoon donates to Raajje TV's Rohingya Fund
Ismail Naail Nasheed
Maldives with Rohingya
Ex-Pres. Maumoon, MP Faris donates to Rohingya telethon fund
Donated on Monday afternoon
MP Faris is currently in jail
Fund has amassed over MVR 4 million

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and his son, Member of Parliament for Dhiggaru Constituency Ahmed Faris Maumoon has contributed to RaajjeTV’s Maldives with Rohingya telethon.

The duo made their donations on Monday afternoon.



The Parliamentarian’s donation came while he is in jail, for the duration of investigation and trial on him for attempted bribery charges.

Huge support had come for the fund from all ranks of society, businesses, councils and civil society bodies. The telethon was initially slated for a 24-hour period, but was extended for 30 hours. Over MVR 4 million had been amassed for the fund.

The funds are to be disbursed through Maldives Red Crescent. RaajjeTV had appointed auditors to verify the process and Gage Pvt Ltd to oversee the transportation of cash collected.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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