K. Male'
10 Sep 2017 | Sun 20:30
(R to L)Thulusdhoo MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim, Villingilli MP Saud Hussain, Maduvvari  MP Mohamed Ameeth, Dhihdhoo constituency and MP Abdul Latheef Mohamed
(R to L)Thulusdhoo MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim, Villingilli MP Saud Hussain, Maduvvari MP Mohamed Ameeth, Dhihdhoo constituency and MP Abdul Latheef Mohamed
Mohamed Fazeen
Joint Opposition
Opposition lodges case at SC, seeking to nullify EC's decision to carry on with by-elections
The MPs have said that they will continue to attend parliament sittings
EC had, back in July, announced that the parliamentarians had lost their seats, following a controversial Supreme Court ruling
The petition asking to nullify EC's decision was filed at the Supreme Court on Sunday, by the joint opposition, including former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom

A petition has been filed at the Supreme Court, seeking to nullify Elections Commission (EC)'s decision to hold a by-election, claiming that six parliamentarians have lost their parliamentary seats.

EC had announced that Thulusdhoo constituency MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim, Maduvvari constituency MP Ahmed Ameeth, Villingilli constituency MP Saud Hussain, Dhihdhoo constituency MP Abdul Latheef Mohamed, Dhan'gethi constituency MP Ilham Ahmed, and Mahchangoalhi South constituency MP Abdulla Sinan had lost their parliamentary seats following a Supreme Court ruling banning floor-crossing in Parliament.

Supreme Court had- back in July- ruled that parliamentarians will lose their seats if, they leave a party, joins another or is expelled. The case was filed at the Court by Attorney General Mohamed Anil.

The petition asking to nullify EC's decision was filed at the Supreme Court on Sunday, by the joint opposition, including former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

They noted that EC's decision is in violation of the verdict issued by the Supreme Court on July 13, as well as its ruling on August 27, after MPs Waheed, Ameeth, Saud and Latheef lodged a case at the Court.

Following the Court's ruling on August 27, EC resumed preparations for parliamentary by-elections for the six constituencies, and has requested for the funds from the Ministry of Finance.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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