K. Male'
22 Aug 2017 | Tue 10:29
Tuesday's Parliament session halted
Tuesday's Parliament session halted
Hussein Fiyaz
Parliament Sittings
Parliament session halted minutes after commencing
Speaker Abdulla Maseeh had high-security as he entered the Parliament chambers for Tuesday's sitting
Security officers surrounded the Speaker's table as Maseeh proceeded with the session
The opposition argues that Maseeh cannot sit as Speaker

Tuesday's Parliament sitting has been halted, minutes after commencing.

Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed was surrounded by a number of security officers as he entered the Parliament chambers, and proceeded with the session. The officers surrounded the Speaker's table throughout.

Prior to the session, some opposition MPs had said that military officers had tried to stop them from entering the parliament premises.

It has been over three weeks since the last sitting- the last parliament sitting was held on July 31- which was also halted amid the protests by the opposition parliamentarians.

The opposition, who has submitted a no-confidence motion against the Speaker with 45 signatures, argue that Maseeh cannot sit as Speaker, due to the said motion. The motion was thrown out over claims that some MPs were bribed into signing the motion.

While the Parliament session was held today, it is not clear whether the day's agenda was followed. However, some members said that the session was concluded after handling all the required work for the day.

A sitting is scheduled for Wednesday.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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