K. Male'
22 Aug 2017 | Tue 08:49
Maduvvari constituency MP Ahmed Ameeth was released from detention on Sunday
Maduvvari constituency MP Ahmed Ameeth was released from detention on Sunday
Joint Opposition
The fate awaiting all dictators 'is jail', says MP Ameeth
Maduvvari constituency MP Ahmed Ameeth was released from detention on Sunday
In a tweet posted on Monday night, MP Ameeth called for the release of Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Ameeth, along with MPs Saud Hussain and Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim have been charged with obstruction and trespassing

Maduvvari constituency MP, Ahmed Ameeth has said that the fate awaiting dictators who jail their opponents "is jail".

In a tweet sent out late Monday night, the lawmaker who was recently released from police custody, called on authorities to release another detained parliamentarian, Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon.

Arrested on July 18, Faris remains in police custody, with the Criminal Court ruling to keep him in detention until his trials conclude. The MP has been charged with bribery and identity theft.

Noting that "dictators who throw opponents in jail are putting [themselves] behind bars", Ameeth said that this is the same "fate that awaits all dictators".

Arrested on July 27, MP Ameeth was released on Sunday, with the Criminal Court ruling to release him with stipulations.

In addition to Ameeth, Villingilli constituency MP Saud Hussain and Thulusdhoo constituency MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim were released earlier in the week as well, also with conditions.

All three have been charged with obstruction and trespassing, for entering the parliament premises on the 24th of July, with a number of opposition parliamentarians. They were charged with obstruction 'for breaking police ranks', with trespassing charges raised against them for entering the Parliament premises that day, despite Elections Commission declaring them no longer Members of Parliament, following a controversial Supreme Court ruling.

The Supreme Court ruling states that MPs who switch parties, quit or is expelled after winning their parliament seat on a political party ticket, will lose their seats.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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