K. Male'
16 Aug 2017 | Wed 00:05
MDP's Vice President Mohamed Shifaz was summoned to police on Tuesday night
MDP's Vice President Mohamed Shifaz was summoned to police on Tuesday night
Crackdown on Opposition
MDP 's deputy questioned over comments regarding Elections Commission
Shifaz said he will reveal his source "if it comes to that"
Shifaz said he was questioned over information he had shared during an opposition gathering
The complaint was filed by the Commission

Vice President of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Mohamed Shifaz was summoned to the Maldives Police Service (MPS) on Tuesday night, for questioning over remarks he had made during the Local Council Elections 2017.

Shifaz, who had been ordered to present himself to police at 8:30 pm on Tuesday, spoke to the press afterwards, revealing that he was summoned for comments he had made regarding the Elections Commission, and that officers inquired on he had gotten the information.

"It was about comments I had made about the Elections Commission during a party gathering, where I said that the reason for the long delay in announcing the Local Council Elections was for President Yameen's benefit, and to seek a way to change the result for him. They wanted to know how I had gotten this information," said Shifaz.

He added that it was the Commission that had filed the complaint against him.

Noting that Maldives is a small place and the Commission is filled with allies "just as many other institutions," Shifaz said he will reveal his source "when the time comes".

Furthermore, he said that he did make these comments and that he had done so as he has the right to Freedom of Expression.

He also said that authorities' decision to take up this matter is because of how badly the ruling coalition lost in the council elections.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed