K. Male'
29 Jul 2017 | Sat 14:25
MP Mohamed Falaah speaking in parliament
MP Mohamed Falaah speaking in parliament
Maldives Police Service
Police investigation against parliamentarians 'appears biased' says MP Falaah
MP Falaah said, after having been summoned to the police on Friday night, that he had provided officers with his full cooperation
However, questioning officers had incorrectly recorded his testimony, Falaah claimed
He had called on the Maldives Police Service to be impartial, particularly in a case as politically sensitive as the one in question

The police investigation against parliamentarians that entered parliament premises on the 24th of July is based solely on the word of one single party, MP Mohamed Falaah has said.

MP Falaah said, after having been summoned to the police on Friday night, that he had provided officers with his full cooperation. However, questioning officers had incorrectly recorded his testimony, Falaah claimed.

After he pointed this out, officers had reportedly told Falaah that they did not have adequate time, and asked him to attend police headquarters again on Saturday.

“The attitudes of officers throughout the questioning was surreptitious, they had handed me the statement they recorded and took it back before I was done reading through it” MP Falaah said “The manner in which they had conducted the questioning led me to believe that they were following someone else’s instructions as opposed to trying to find out the truth”.

He had called on the Maldives Police Service to be impartial, particularly in a case as politically sensitive as the one in question as it is one between ‘parliamentarians and the police’.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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