K. Male'
29 Jul 2017 | Sat 06:05
Jumhooree Party member Ahmed Shafiu in an undated photo
Jumhooree Party member Ahmed Shafiu in an undated photo
Arrests of Activists
Shafiu case filed for appeal in High Court
Scheduled for August 1st
Shafiu released on July 9th

State has filed the appeal of the release of Jumhooree Party member Ahmed Shafiu in High Court.

Shafiu was arrested on 4th July in front of Maafannu Kunooz. He was released five days later. 

He was arrested as part of the investigation over the claims made by Isdhoo Constituency MP Ahmed Rasheed that his signature on the no confidence motion against Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh was forged.

A photo showing MP Rasheed signing the motion in front of now jailed Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon had circulated following the said claims. RaajjeMV understands that Shafiu was the individual who had taken that photograph and videoed the proceedings

He himself, later on refuted his own claims and said that his signature was authentic.

Shafiu’s appeal is scheduled for 9am on August 1st. The summons sent in by High Court stated that he was summoned as Prosecutor General Office had filed the case for appeal.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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