K. Male'
31 Oct 2023 | Tue 15:55
Vice President Faisal Naseem
Vice President Faisal Naseem
Presidents office
Vice President Faisal Naseem
VP urges all to execute their responsibilities with honesty, integrity, and sincerity
VP Naseem made these remarks during an address at the MNU 'Fahi Mustagbal’ Speaker Series 2023, on Monday
The Vice President noted that respect does not come overnight
The Vice President encouraged every individual to serve the nation in any capacity they can

Vice President Faisal Naseem has stated that every individual should strive to fulfil their responsibilities with honesty, integrity, and sincerity to earn respect.

VP Naseem made these remarks during an address at the Maldives National University's (MNU) 'Fahi Mustagbal’ Speaker Series 2023, on Monday.

During his address, the Vice President noted that respect does not come overnight, and said it has to be earned.

In his speech, VP Naseem shared insights from his experiences navigating responsibility and delved into the strength of accountability and determination. In this regard, he detailed his work and life experiences before attaining the post of Vice President.

VP further stated that he found it easier to work with people's advice and guidance, noting that he believed he could learn something from everyone.

The Vice President additionally highlighted his personal experiences while striving towards success. He noted that when he faced obstacles in the workplace, he confronted them head-on, found a solution, and moved forward instead of giving up.

In his address, the Vice President encouraged every individual to serve the nation in any capacity they can, regardless of their job or position in society and emphasized the importance of remembering those who guide them.

During the event, the Vice President also responded to questions from members of the audience .

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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