K. Male'
18 Jul 2017 | Tue 23:36
MP Faris Maumoon on route to Dhoonidhoo following his arrest
MP Faris Maumoon on route to Dhoonidhoo following his arrest
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Faris' Arrest
Joint Parties condemns MP Faris’ arrest
Reminded Police to stick to their mandate
Faris arrested illegally

The joint opposition parties have condemned in the strongest possible terms the illegal arrest of legislator Faris Maumoon.

The parties had released a statement in connection to the arrest.

The statement noted that MP Faris was arrested with less than a week before the impeachment vote of the Speaker of Parliament, due to take place on July 24.

‘Police officers had a court warrant, signed by the Criminal Court last night, accusing MP Faris of involvement in bribing MPs ahead of the parliamentary no-confidence vote, an allegation MP Faris strongly denies,’ the statement read.

It noted that the Criminal Court judgement was based on a secret “police intelligence” report, which had been used as cover for a number of politically-motivated, illegal and unconstitutional actions.

It also reminded Police that the Constitution forbids them from following unlawful orders.

The reformist movement was started in March this year, with an alliance between former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Mohamed Nasheed, Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim and Adhaalath Party Leader Sheikh Imran Abdullah.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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