K. Male'
22 Aug 2023 | Tue 16:23
ބ. މާޅޮހާއި ދޮންފަނުގައި ސަރުކާރުން ހިންގާފައިވާ ބައެއް މަޝްރޫޢުތަކުގެ ނިމުން
ބ. މާޅޮހާއި ދޮންފަނުގައި ސަރުކާރުން ހިންގާފައިވާ ބައެއް މަޝްރޫޢުތަކުގެ ނިމުން
president office
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
Pres. inaugurates the completion of water and sewerage network in B. Maalhos
MWSC has completed the water supply and sewerage networks in several islands providing the connection and services to island residents
The water supply and sewerage network of Maalhos Island was carried out by MWSC
The President marked the completion of this project during his tour of the Baa Atoll, on Tuesday

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has inaugurated the newly completed water and sewerage network project of Maalhos Island in Baa Atoll.

The President marked the completion of this project during his tour of the Baa Atoll, on Tuesday. President Solih is inaugurating the completion of various development projects initiated by the administration in outlying atolls, during his tour of the atolls.

The water supply and sewerage network of Maalhos Island was carried out by the Malé Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC).

So far, MWSC has completed the water supply and sewerage networks in several islands providing the connection and services to island residents.

These infrastructure development projects represents significant investments in the development and well-being of the local communities. As such, these infrastructure developments would improve the quality of life for residents and support economic growth in the region.

Under President Solih's leadership, the administration has achieved significant strides towards equitable development across all inhabited islands in the Maldives. 

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