K. Male'
06 Jul 2017 | Thu 03:53
PPM celebrates Maseeh no confidence vote held on 27th March 2017
PPM celebrates Maseeh no confidence vote held on 27th March 2017
Govt. in Crisis
Ministers flock to social media, after no confidence motion on Maseeh
Criticized opposition
Circulating photos of Govt. development projects
MPs had expressed dissatisfaction with Ministers

Cabinet Ministers have flocked to social media platforms and Government allied media sources expressing their sentiments, following the no confidence motion on Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh.

The Ministers had launched a strong criticism of opposition figures on these platforms.

Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed had tweeted that the present Government had developed the infrastructure, brought in stability and prosperity to citizens, all with the aim to save the nation from failed leaders.

His tweet was affixed with photos of airport reclamation and construction of the 25 story building of IGMH.



Minister Saeed also described the current political crisis as one not with the Speaker but rather one that is engineered by certain businessmen as a pretext not to pay amounts owed to the state.

It is believed that this tweet is directed at his one-time boss and opposition leader Qasim Ibrahim. Minister Saeed was nominated to his cabinet position on Qasim's Party Jumhooree Party's backing.



Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizz tweeted that Speaker vote was powered by bribery and shows how uncivilized and desperate the opposition was. He described the opposition as motivated by personal agendas and not national interest.



Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim also tweeted that it will impossible to defeat President Abdullah Yameen by political drama.



Home Minister Azleen Ahmed noted that Maseeh's no confidence vote was taken as a last resort by the opposition.



Fisheries Minister Dr. Mohamed Shainee had directly criticized MP Abdullah Sinan and MP Ilham Ahmed over the no confidence motion, saying the two had deceived them.



Additionally, Health Minister Abdullah Nazim said the opposition had a hard time accepting the development brought forward by President Yameen.



Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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