K. Male'
05 Jul 2017 | Wed 17:47
Social media activist Thayyib Shaheem
Social media activist Thayyib Shaheem
Crackdown on Activists
Summoned to Police over tweets posted: Thoyyib
Summoned over tweets posted regarding murder of Yameen Rasheed
No details given
Case filed with relevant bodies

Social media activist Thoyyib Shaheem says he was summoned to Police over tweets he had posted.

Speaking afterwards, Thoyyib said he was summoned and questioned over tweets posted regarding the murder of fellow social media activist Yameen Rasheed. However, he did not divulge additional details. He was summoned to Police at 1145hrs on Wednesday.

Thoyyib added that Police had said informed him they will not look into the matter any further.

Thoyyib was summoned to the Police multiple times and jailed as well. He was last arrested claiming that he had tweeted about the H1N1 virus in a manner that created fear in public. He was arrested on March 16th, released after 31 days in jail.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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