K. Male'
27 Jun 2017 | Tue 12:25
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Deputy Leader Mohamed Shifaz
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Deputy Leader Mohamed Shifaz
MDP Anniversary
Nasheed’s jail sentence was the biggest challenge for MDP: Shifaz
MDP had been successful
Party will seek to be a vehicle for public aspirations
Party loved by many

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Deputy Leader Mohamed Shifaz says former President Mohamed Nasheed’s jail sentence was the biggest challenge for the Party.

Speaking to RaajjeTV’s ’60 minutes’ program, Shifaz said when Nasheed was sentenced for 13 years, the challenges they faced were immense. However, with the efforts and perseverance of general members, MDP was able to achieve their objectives. Shifaz said he had full assurance the Party will be more successful under the guidance of President Nasheed.

Shifaz added the Party was stronger than ever, capable of facing challenges. He noted when the Party was started, there were many who had attempted to eliminate the Party from the get go.

Reflecting on the work carried out by the Government to eliminate democracy, Shifaz noted that this was a significant challenge facing MDP.

‘We’re now approaching maturity with these challenges. We’ll not face those challenges, MDP is stronger than that,’ Shifaz said.

Shifaz said the biggest aspiration for the public was to see a change in the leadership, which will become a reality soon. He assured the Party will carry out more endeavors to achieve this goal. He further said MDP will be relentless in their goals.

‘MDP had managed to rule the nation in the past 12 years. Worked as an opposition Party. what we have achieved in the past 12 years came with great dedication,’ he said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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