K. Male'
26 Jun 2017 | Mon 18:45
Dietmar Krissler
Dietmar Krissler
EU Parliament
Maldives gov't needs to be clear on what makes a Maldivian citizen a terrorist: EEAS dep. head
He made the comment at Monday's meeting of the European Union's parliament committee on Foreign Affairs
Krissler shared a number of issues in the Maldives with the committee members; including radicalism, human rights violations and more
He called on the government "to better evaluate the threat from radicalization in the islands"

Dietmar Krissler, Head of European External Action Service (EEAS)'s division for the Maldives region, has said that the government of Maldives needs to explain "whom they think belong to terrorist groups".

He made the comment at a discussion with the European Union's parliament committee on Foreign Affairs in Brussels, Belgium on Monday, where he shared details of the situation in Maldives with parliament members.

Noting that "terrorism is indeed very high on the agenda of the government's policies", Krissler said that it needs to provide "a better definition of what they mean, who are terrorists in their view".

"We would like a list of whom they think belong to terrorist groups, what is it exactly that makes a Maldivian citizen a terrorist", he said, adding that as there such "a broad definition this law can be applied to many different situations".

Krissler emphasized that "many opposition leaders are imprisoned or restricted in their movements," saying that this is because of the Anti-Terrorism Bill introduced in 2015.

He also called on the European Union to press the Maldivian government "to better evaluate the threat from radicalization in the islands".

Furthermore, Krissler noted that a counter terrorism conference is to be held in Maldives before the end of 2017, adding that EU's counter terrorism coordinator will be invited to the conference.

Afterwards, David McAllister, chair of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee urged the political groups to "at least" discuss on whether there should be another resolution on the Maldives.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv
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