K. Male'
26 Jun 2017 | Mon 14:27
Ex-VP Ahmed Adeeb arriving in Male'
Ex-VP Ahmed Adeeb arriving in Male'
Ex-VP Ahmed Adeeb
PPM PG yet to give Adeeb’s family an answer
Adeeb faces several medical complications
His cyst can turn cancerous
Nihan said they will dispatch a written response

Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb’s lawyer says the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) Parliamentary Group is to yet grant a response to the family’s request for a meeting, over Adeeb’s medical issues.

Adeeb’s lawyer, Moosa Siraj said PPM PG has not responded to the request. He said he had held off sending an additional letter, to give the Group time to respond. A second letter, Siraj said will be sent following the Eid holidays.

Responding to the statements, PPM PG Leader Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik said a written response will be issued to the family.

In a letter to Nihan, Adeeb’s mother Shaheema Mohamed said that the former vice president has been diagnosed with a number of illnesses, including an internal cyst, kidney stones, and vision impairment from glaucoma since his incarceration in 2015.  

“Therefore, we recognize the close relations our son has had with members of your parliamentary group and ask that you allow us to bring our concerns to you in this meeting” the letter said.

The letter said doctors had stressed on immediate medical attention, as evident in the medical documents issued by doctors.

It also said Adeeb’s parents and spouse Mariyam Nashwa will attend the meeting if granted.

The former Vice President is serving a 33-year jail term on terror and graft charges.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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