K. Male'
26 Jun 2017 | Mon 00:14
Bank of Maldives
Bank of Maldives
Bank of Maldives
BML calls on customers to be vigilant to scam phone calls
BML said that it has been advised that customers have been receiving calls asking them to share their account details or to transfer money for promotions

Bank of Maldives (BML) has called on customers to be vigilant to calls offering promotions.

In a notice posted on Twitter, BML said that it has been notified that customers have been receiving calls asking them to share their account details or to transfer money in order to be eligible for promotional offers.

Noting that these 'are not legitimate calls', the Bank called on its customers to be vigilant.

"Never share your account details or transfer funds in response to any such request over the phone or via email," added BML

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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