K. Male'
08 Nov 2022 | Tue 16:51
Vice President Faisal Naseem
Vice President Faisal Naseem
president office
Vice President Faisal Naseem
VP Naseem calls for global solidarity in the face of climate change
He made this remark while delivering the national statement of Maldives at COP27
VP Naseem detailed the severe repercussions of climate change in the Maldives
VP Naseem recalled the harsh realities of the world over the past few months

Vice President Faisal Naseem has called for global solidarity in the face of climate change.

He made this remark while delivering the national statement of Maldives at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), on Monday.

As such, taking the podium VP Naseem called for global solidarity in the face of climate change and stated that it would be impossible for the globe to respond effectively to the slight contributions to the causes of climate change by the Maldivian government, without global support.

VP Naseem recalled the harsh realities of the world over the past few months, including floods in Pakistan, heatwaves in Europe, and food shortages across Africa caused by climate change while addressing the leaders of the globe at the Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Center.

Stressing that the lives of Maldivians are also affected daily due to the impact of climate change on oceans, VP Naseem noted that it is affecting the sources of nourishment and income for Maldivian families.

Adding that Maldivian fishermen were forced to travel further every year in search of abundant fisheries, VP Naseem detailed the severe repercussions of climate change in the Maldives.

As such, some of them include the need to rely on modern technologies following the depletion of freshwater supplies, the unpredictability of monsoon shifts that are more frequent and intense, and flooding and storm surges that have irreparably damaged homes and livelihoods.

Further, coral reefs which are at the core of the Maldives’ tourism product are on “life support”.

Warning the world leaders that we only had 86 months to cut emissions in half and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, VP Naseem expressed expectations of the Maldivian government from COP27, including ambitious commitments on adaptation and mitigation, a visionary outcome on loss and damage that offers a patchwork of solutions to a wide range of issues, and the hope of achieving the collective target of USD 100 billion each year in climate finance, with more than half going toward adaptation.

In conclusion, he stated that the world is changing due to climate change and the people must make sure the new world is equitable and just and also allows every person to live well.

Last updated at: 1 year ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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