K. Male'
23 Jun 2017 | Fri 16:55
Leaders of the opposition at Thursday night's tharaaveeh event
Leaders of the opposition at Thursday night's tharaaveeh event
Ex-VP Ahmed Adeeb
‘No justification’ in refusing medical leave for Adeeb: Ibu
Corruption will not cease with Adeeb’s incarceration
All citizens must have access to basic rights
IGMH construction more corrupt than MMPRC

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group leader and MP for Hinnavaru Constituency Ibrahim Mohamed Solih says there was no justification for the Government to deny medical leave for former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb, solely on the grounds that is a flight risk.

Speaking to Raajje.mv in the tharaaveeh event hosted by the opposition on Thursday night, Ibu said Adeeb should not be an exception as criminals who had committed worse offenses had been released for medical purposes. The AG’s claims that he cannot be released is a joke, he added.

‘Can seek assistance of Police and Army. Previously, more violent criminals had been sent abroad, with police escorts, security. Government can do this again easily. There’s no justification in not sending Adeeb abroad,’ he said.

Ibu added that all should be given equal access to their rights, irrespective of whether he is a free person or an inmate.

Ibu also raised questions about Adeeb’s trial, adding that he did not believe the dialogue on corruption can be quelled with Adeeb’s incarceration. The case, Ibu noted warranted more discussion and reflection and that he believed Adeeb will be a key source of information in investigating these issues.

Ibu said the present administration had continued the culture of corruption, from MMPRC to even the construction of the new building of IGMH. He stressed all these must be investigated.

‘The leaders of this administration had grafted not just the MMPRC funds, there are more cases. People are talking about the new building of IGMH for a reason. The amount grafted from this is far higher than MMPRC case,’ he said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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