K. Male'
22 Jun 2017 | Thu 22:31
The Ministry said that a total of 118 cases were reported regarding violence against children which amounts to 49 percent of the total cases during May 2017
The Ministry said that a total of 118 cases were reported regarding violence against children which amounts to 49 percent of the total cases during May 2017
Gender Ministry
49 percent of cases reported in May were over violence against children: Ministry
Ministry of Gender and Family said that it had received an attended a total of 239 cases during May 2017
A total of 118 cases were reported regarding violence against children which amounts to 49 percent of the total cases during May 2017, said the Ministry
33 cases involving gender based violence and domestic violence were also reported in May, which is 13 percent of the total cases reported

Ministry of Gender and Family has said that it had received an attended 239 cases during May 2017, and that 49 percent of the cases submitted were regarding violence against children.

According to press release issued on Thursday, the Ministry said that a total of 118 cases were reported regarding violence against children "which amounts to 49 percent of the total cases during May 2017".

"The most frequently reported cases in this category involved incidents of sexual abuse of children with 36 reported cases out of which were girls", reads the press release, adding that other forms of violence included; 27 cases of physical abuse, 19 cases of emotional abuse, four cases of bullying, 24 cases of neglect and one case of child death.

The Ministry highlighted that nine cases were reported over child's rights violations, including five cases of refusal for access to education, two cases of violation of right to safe drinking water or electricity, one case of acquiring NID card/passport/birthcertificate, and one case of violation of right to shelter.

The Ministry said that there were 10 reported cases regarding children in conflict with the law, highlighting that two cases were of physical assault or aggression, two cases of stealing, two cases of drug use and one of driving without license.

It said that the 19 cases reported over behavioral problems included three cases of perpetrators of bullying, three cases of runaways and two cases of perpetrators of harassment.

In addition, Gender Ministry noted that a total of 33 cases involving gender based violence and domestic violence were also reported in May, which is 13 percent of the total cases reported. The Ministry said that the most frequently reported cases "involved forms of physical violence and abuse with 13 reported cases out of which 11 victims were women".

Six cases were reported regarding care and support to disabilities, while three cases were reported regarding violation of the rights of the elderly.

Furthermore, the Ministry said that they had received 15 cases regarding self-harm and suicidal behavior.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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