K. Male'
21 Jun 2017 | Wed 08:13
MP Ahmed Mahloof
MP Ahmed Mahloof
Ex-VP's Medical Condition
Public more concerned about President Yameen being a flight risk: MP Mahloof
MP Mahloof said that there is a bigger chance that President Yameen could flee the country
On Tuesday, AG Anil said that the government does not intend to sent him abroad for treatment as he posed 'a serious flight risk'
The former VP is serving a 33-year jail term at Dhoonidhoo prison over charges of corruption and terrorism

MP for South-Galolhu constituency Ahmed Mahloof, who was recently released after over 10 months in prison, has said that the public is more concerned about President Abdulla Yameen being a flight risk, than jailed former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb.

Mahloof's comments are directed towards the government's decision to not allow Adeeb to travel abroad for medical treatment, despite doctors recommending to do.

At a press conference on Tuesday, Attorney General Mohamed Anil said that the government does not intend to send the former VP abroad for treatment, as he posed a serious flight risk.

In a tweet sent on Tuesday evening, MP Mahloof said that public is more concerned about the President being a flight risk.

"As President Yameen refuses to provide medical attention for Adeeb over flight risk claims, the public is more concerned about President Yameen fleeing," the tweet reads.

Even while serving his 10-month 24-day term in jail, Mahloof had expressed concern over the former VP's treatment there.

AG Anil had also noted that the government does not intend to bar him from receiving treatment, and that doctors will be allowed to see him in prison.

He highlighted that the former vice president owes the state over USD 10 million, which is reason enough for him to flee.

Adeeb's family claims that he has developed an internal cyst, kidney stone and vision impairment from glaucoma since his incarceration in 2015. His lawyer has since revealed that there is high chance that the cyst could turn into cancer.

Amnesty International has called on Maldivian authorities to immediately grant the prisoned former VP permission to travel abroad to seek medical care, and his case has been filed at the United Nations. The case was filed by the Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed, who announced that he has made an appointment for Adeeb, with fellow Rapporteur Dr. Dainius Pūras.

Adeeb is currently being kept in Dhoonidhoo Detention Centre, sentenced to a total of 33 years in prison on charges of corruption and terrorism.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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