K. Male'
19 Jun 2017 | Mon 23:56
Addu Meedhoo Constituency MP Rozaina Adam on Fala Suruhee
Addu Meedhoo Constituency MP Rozaina Adam on Fala Suruhee
Yameen Rasheed murder
Have to find who encouraged suspects involved in Yameen’s murder: Rozaina
President Yameen has created doubts about Police
Concern over why investigative authorities are not asking these questions

Addu Meedhoo Constituency MP Rozaina Adam says that we have to find out who had encouraged those individuals, who had been arrested in connection to Yameen Rasheed’s murder, to carry out that crime.

She made the statement speaking in RaajjeTV’s ‘Fala Suruhee’ program, Rozaina said that while Police had released details on three individuals, they had failed to pin down a motive tying them to the crime. As such, the real perpetrators of this heinous crime, Rozaina said were still unknown. Rozaina noted that it was more concerning that the investigative authorities were not asking these questions.

‘We’re concerned that the investigative authorities are not asking these questions. The three youth, similar to Humam in Dr. Afrasheem’s case. Humam is to receive his punishment any day, motive and or who had encouraged him to do this remains a mystery. So long as this remains a mystery, crimes of this nature will increase,’ Rozaina said.

Referring to the statement released by the family of Ismail Rasheed, which claimed that Police was attempting to frame him and extort a false statement from him, Rozaina said this was even more confusing.

‘Have to find out who is facilitating this. If else, the real perpetrators get away with the crime. The statement released by Maumoon Hameed, says that Ismail Rasheed is being framed for the murder of Yameen Rasheed,’ she said.

Noting that such events had occurred during the arrest of former Defense Minister Colonel (Rtd) Mohamed Nazim, Rozaina said the Police had pressed ahead with this in spite of the overwhelming evidence presented by the family. Doubts on the institution, Rozaina said had been exacerbated by statements from President Yameen.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Dheli Copy
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