K. Male'
09 Sep 2022 | Fri 12:12
Queen Elizabeth II was the longest-reigning British monarch spanning seven decades
Queen Elizabeth II was the longest-reigning British monarch spanning seven decades
Passing of Queen Elizabeth II
National flag to be flown at half-mast for three days, following death of Queen Elizabeth II
Maldives is to observe a three-day mourning period
The national flag will be flown at half-mast from September 9 – 12, in mourning for the late Queen Elizabeth II
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih announced the decision on Thursday

The national flag of Maldives is to be flown at half-mast in honor of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih announced the decision on Thursday.

As such, it has been declared that the national flag will be flown at half-mast from September 9 – 12, in mourning for the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Maldives is to observe a three-day mourning period, while joining world leaders across the globe to mourn the death of the late Queen.

In a message to the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, King Charles III earlier, President Solih offered condolences.

The longest-reigning British monarch spanning seven decades and the head of the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II passed away on Thursday.

She died at the age of 96.

In his message, he expressed deep grief in learning of the passing of the King’s beloved mother.

He noted that the people of the Maldives join the rest of the Commonwealth in mourning this “unfathomable” loss.

Highlighting that the Queen’s glorious reign of 70 long years has seen a life full of giving - to her duty, her people, and her commitment to making a difference in the world, the Maldivian president noted that she was also a beacon of strength and unity for the Commonwealth.

With this being said, President Solih expressed belief that the stories of the Queen’s perseverance and sense of duty will live on to inspire generations to come.

Further, President Solih revealed that Maldivians fondly remember the Queen’s visit to the Maldives on 13 March 1972, as a nation.

The president went on to state that the nation mourns and commemorates the Queen’s extraordinary life of continued service to the Great Britain and the Commonwealth, as a stabilizing force towards peace and progress.

Queen Elizabeth II was a recipient of the highest honor of the government of Maldives, the Grand Order of the Distinguished Rule of Ghaazee.

Top politicians and senior government officials have been pouring condolences for the Royal Family, with Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid having revealed that the Queen was a constant in the family of nations, having provided strong leadership at times of need.

Further, the former president of Maldives who ruled the nation for 30 years, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom sent deepest condolences to the British Royal family and the people of the United Kingdom on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

Ex-president Mohamed Nasheed also offered condolences, stating that with the Queen’s passing, the world has lost it’s strongest matriarchic. He noted that her ability to reach out to people, regardless of their color or creed, was second to none.

Last updated at: 9 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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