K. Male'
11 Jun 2017 | Sun 14:21
Vnews Senior Editor Ahmed Rifau
Vnews Senior Editor Ahmed Rifau
Crackdown on press
Vnews senior editor summoned to Police
Rifau summoned over wordings of article on Azim’s arrest
Gave statement, denies allegations

Vmedia’s online branch, vnews Senior Editor Ahmed Rifau has been summoned to Police.

The editor was summoned to Police on Saturday evening, where for an hour he gave his statement.

Speaking to press, Rifau’s lawyer Nadheem Ibrahim said that Rifau was summoned to Police regarding a case being investigated under clause 310 (a) of the Penal Code.

Nadheem added that Rifau was summoned over wordings of the article on the arrest of former head of State Trading Organization, Adam Azim. He said the authorities had alleged the words used in the headline created public confusion regarding the claims made in Azim’s arrest.

Rifau denies the allegations, stating that he had not intended to create any confusion. Additionally, he said that Vmedia policy clearly dictates that all communiques issued by state bodies will be brought without any alteration and the management clearly stresses on ethical and fair reportage. Rifau assured the channel and their related media sources will continue to follow these aspects in the reportage.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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