K. Male'
07 Jun 2017 | Wed 21:04
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Azmoon Ahmed
Ahmed Adeeb
Jail taught me who wished me well: Adeeb
Adeeb has appealed for medical release, due to health issues
No ill will towards anyone
Have found out who real friends, well-wishers are

Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb has stated that his time in jail has taught him who his real friends and well-wishers were.

The former Vice President, who played a key role in the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) graft, is currently serving a 33-year jail term on the grounds of attempted assassination on the President.

In a statement released from jail, Adeeb said his time in jail has taught him that his previous life has been a mirage, adding that it was a falsity. He also said that his present conditions had forced him to reveal his condition to the public.

Adeeb said that he had several complications such as kidney stones, internal cysts and glaucoma, noting that he had not been given adequate medical treatment.

His family had also released a statement on May 22nd, making the same statements.

Adeeb appealed to public for mercy and to view him in a more sympathetic light, stating that he believed that the public will respect human rights.

‘I appeal to all clear your doubts about me. I am sure, that almost all of you will not advocate to limit or differentiate on human rights, irrespective of the magnitude of the charge made against an individual. I do not believe that you will see my death in solitary as penance for the crimes and charges against me,’ he said.

Adeeb further said that he had been observing the changes to the political sphere of the nation. He added the situation of the nation was not at an irreversible situation.

Concluding his statement, Adeeb said that he had no ill will towards any one and wished peace and prosperity for the nation.

Adeeb was sworn in as the second Vice President of the Yameen administration after hastily booting out his predecessor Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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