K. Male'
07 Jun 2017 | Wed 16:07
Mohamed Riza at the awarding ceremony
Mohamed Riza at the awarding ceremony
Naivaadhoo School Qur'an Recit
Naivaadhoo School Qur'an recital champion wins Umrah pilgrimage
Mohamed Riza had also been given a trophy and a cash prize of USD 500 from the island’s youth
Shamil Shafeeu, who came second place had had expenses covered for a pilgrimage as well

The Naivaadhoo School’s student body captain, Mohamed Riza, has acquired first place in a Qur’an recital competition held there, winning him a fully paid for Umrah pilgrimage. 

The Rausha Hajj Corporation had agreed to cover expenses of an Umrah pilgrimage, which can be undertaken by Muslims at any time of the year, to the winner of the competition. 

Riza had also been given a trophy and a cash prize of USD 500 from the island’s youth. 

Shamil Shafeeu, who came second place had had expenses covered for a pilgrimage as well. This prize was financed by Naivaadhoo considerable youth population who are employed at the One & Only Reethi Rah Resort. 

This is the first time a reciting competition where prizes are given was held in Haa Dhall atoll. Those who came first place in different age groups had also received prices such as laptop computers and tablets. 

Officials from the Islamic Ministry had filled the panel of judges for the recitals, where a total of 64 students from the public school had competed.  

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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