K. Male'
05 Jun 2017 | Mon 05:19
Ameen Ibrahim Deputy Leader at Jumhooree Party
Ameen Ibrahim Deputy Leader at Jumhooree Party
Jumhooree Party
Ordering JP to not use logo, flag is halting the Party: Ameen
Need to hold a Congress to change logo, flag

The self-exiled Deputy Leader of Jumhooree Party Ameen Ibrahim has stated that Elections Commission (EC) order on the Party to cease using the logo and flag was an order to halt the Party.

Ameen, who currently lives in the United Kingdom, made the statement in a tweet posted on Sunday night in Dhivehi. He said a Party Congress must be held if the Party is to change the logo and flag.

Referring to the procedures issued by Home Ministry regarding the use of the national flag, EC had sent a letter to the Party, stating the Party’s logo and flag mimicked that of the standard used by the President. The letter ordered the Party to change the logo and flag before the 1st of June.

The Party had refused to obey the orders, stating that such an order cannot be issued by the Commission. The logo and flag had been used by the Party since 2005.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Dheli Copy
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