K. Male'
30 May 2017 | Tue 13:32
Male' City Council Member Ibrahim Mamnoon Joins Jumhooree Party
Male' City Council Member Ibrahim Mamnoon Joins Jumhooree Party
Jumhooree Party
Male’ City Council Member Mamnoon signs for JP
Previously was with PPM
Voted to boot out President Maumoon from PPM
Later shifted to President Maumoon’s faction

Male’ City Council Member for Mahchangolhi South Constituency Ibrahim Mamnoon has signed up for Jumhooree Party (JP).

Mamnoon, who was elected to the Council on ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) ticket, signed to JP on Monday. The membership form to JP was accepted by JP Deputy Leader Abdullah Kamaluddin.

Up until his signing to PPM, Mamnoon was a member of ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM). He also served as Council Member of the Party. Mamnoon had voted to boot PPM President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom from the Party, following the leadership dispute between Presidents Maumoon and Yameen.

In April, in the presence of media, Mamnoon had revoked his support for President Yameen and joined President Maumoon’s camp. That night, Mamnoon claimed that he had remained as the member of the Yameen faction due to compulsion but had not elaborated on it. He had also apologized to members of the Party for voting in favor of the motion to remove President Maumoon from the Party.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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