K. Male'
23 May 2017 | Tue 17:16
President Yameen at the Arab Islamic American Summit on 21st May
President Yameen at the Arab Islamic American Summit on 21st May
Arab Islamic American Summit
President Yameen returns from Arab Islamic American Summit
President Yameen had not addressed the summit, despite the President's Office stating that he would
He returned on Tuesday morning
King Salman of Saudi Arabia had thanked the United States for its support in fighting terrorism in the Arab peninsula and the Muslim world

President Abdulla Yameen has on Tuesday returned to the country after having attended the Arab Islamic Summit. 

The summit is a congregation between leaders of Arab and Muslim countries along with the United States of America, that aims to fight terrorism and radical ideology.

President Donald Trump had flown to Saudi Arabia along with First Lady Melania last Saturday, to join the summit – attending by 54 other heads of state.

The President had been accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Asim, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Mohamed Shainee, and Minister of State at the President’s Office, Mohamed Naseer.  

The President’s Office said that President Yameen was invited by King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz and that he would make his address on Sunday. However, he had not spoken at the summit. 

King Salman of Saudi Arabia had thanked the United States for its support in fighting terrorism in the Arab peninsula and the Muslim world. 

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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