K. Male'
17 May 2017 | Wed 22:55
HRCM's Vp Shifaq Mufeed resigned from the Commission on May 11
HRCM's Vp Shifaq Mufeed resigned from the Commission on May 11
Presidents Office
New membership opportunity opened for HRCM
The announcement was published on the government gazette on Wednesday
Applications open till 2 pm, on May 24
The announcement comes a week after HRCM’s vice president Shifaq Mufeed resigned from the Commission

The President’s Office has opened the opportunity to apply for membership of the Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM).

An announcement was published on the government gazette on Wednesday, calling for applications for HRCM membership.

Noting that the application form and declaration are available for download on its official website, the President’s Office added that application is open until 2 pm on May 24.

According to the Human Rights Commission Act, members of the HRCM must not be a person holding an elected office of political position under the Constitution or any law, must not be employed in the government or private sector and must not be a member of a political party nor engaged in the activities of a political party.

  • The Human Rights Commission Act states that the main objectives of the Commission are; (a)to protect, promote and sustain human rights in the Maldives in accordance with Islamic Shari’ah and the Constitution of the Republic of Maldives; (b)to protect, promote and sustain human rights in the Maldives in accordance with regional and international conventions and declarations which the Maldives is a party to and (c) To assist and support Non-Governmental Organisations involved in the protection of human rights.

It consists of five members, and are appointed by the President on the advice of the People’s Majlis.

The President’s Office’s announcement comes a week after HRCM’s vice president Shifaq Mufeed resigned from the Commission. Less than three days later, Shifaq was appointed as a Minister of State at the Ministry of Home Affairs. He was appointed to HRCM in June 2015, after scoring 75 percent in the selection process.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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