K. Male'
12 May 2017 | Fri 01:56
Speaker Abdulla Maseeh's constituents in Fuvahmulah have held a protest on Thursday, calling for his resignation
Speaker Abdulla Maseeh's constituents in Fuvahmulah have held a protest on Thursday, calling for his resignation
Speaker Maseeh's constituents hold protest calling for his resignation
Speaker Abdulla Maseeh's constituents in Fuvahmulah held a protest on Thursday, calling for his resignation
Members of all four opposition parties- MDP, JP AP, Maumoon's faction of PPM- took part in the protest
Participants echoed that they do not have confidence in their parliament representative

Parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh's constituents in Fuvahmulah have held a protest on Thursday, calling for his resignation.

The protest started at 4:30 pm on Thursday, after a flag hoisting ceremony at the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) headquarters in Fuvahmulah City.

A participant told RaajjeMV that the protest was held by residents of Central-Fuvahmulah constituency, calling for Maseeh’s resignation. He said that in addition to members of MDP, members of Jumhooree Party (JP), Adhaalath Party and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s faction of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) took part in the protest.

He further said that protesters echoed sentiments of disappointment towards Maseeh, saying that they do not have confidence in Maseeh and that they will not vote him again. They further noted that Maseeh’s biggest campaign pledge, to make Fuvahmulah a modern city, is yet to be fulfilled.

Maseeh lost his grip on Central-Fuvahmulah, with the opposition taking the council seat for the constituency in the elections held on May 6. While the official result of the Local Council Elections are yet to be announced, provisional results show that the opposition is in the lead, with over 300 of the 664 seats.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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