President Solih in Kaafu atoll for campaign tour

2023 Jul Thu 19:09
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih embarked on a campaign tour of Kaafu atoll on Thursday.
President Solih's third and final destination of the Kaafu atoll tour was Maafushi island - Photo: MDP
Several residents of Guraidhoo island have signed on to the ruling party - Photo: MDP
President Solih met with the island residents, in Guraidhoo as well - Photo: MDP
President Solih's second destination of the Kaafu atoll tour was Guraidhoo island - Photo: MDP
President Solih also met with the island residents, in Gulhi - Photo: MDP
In Gulhi, the president officially opened the island's MDP campaign site - Photo: MDP
President Solih's first destination of the Kaafu atoll tour was Gulhi island - Photo: MDP