China's zero-COVID campaign

2022 Nov Fri 18:08
Outbreaks of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continue to go on in Beijing.
Medical workers in protective suits ride an electric tricycle on a street, following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Shanghai, China. Photo - Reuters
A man has his swab sample taken for a test for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at a testing booth, in Beijing, China. Photo - Reuters
Security guards and staff in protective gear receive instructions inside a residential compound after it was locked down due to a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Beijing. Photo - Reuters
Officials wearing protective aprons stand outside the boarded-up gate of a residential compound that was placed under lockdown as outbreaks of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continue in Beijing. Photo - Reuters
Medical workers take swap samples from residents for nucleic acid test for coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at a testing site in Chongqing, China. Photo - Reuters