Ramadan 1439: bustling markets of capital city Malé

2018 May Mon 10:58
Observing the Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, always immensely affluences the growth and sale of food items at local markets. As such, Ramadan every year leaves the 'local market' district in capital city Malé bustling,
27th May, 2018: a vendor splits a watermelon to sell separately. Ramadan every year leaves the 'local market' district in capital city Malé bustling,
27th May, 2018: Ramadan every year leaves the 'local market' district in capital city Malé bustling,
27th May, 2018: Ramadan every year leaves the 'local market' district in capital city Malé bustling,
27th May, 2018: a man purchases tomatoes from a vendor. Ramadan every year leaves the 'local market' district in capital city Malé bustling,
27th May, 2018: a fruit vendor interacts with customers. Ramadan every year leaves the 'local market' district in capital city Malé bustling,
27th May, 2018: a man asks a vendor the price of chillis while another picks one. Ramadan every year leaves the 'local market' district in capital city Malé bustling,