K. Male'
23 Feb 2025 | Sun 16:43
Maldives Post building
Maldives Post building
Maldives Post
Maldives Post denies allegations of corruption, embezzlement
Maldives Post denied allegations of corruption, investigation by ACC, and dismissal of a whistleblower employee
The company refuted claims of biased recruitment practices, favoritism, and mismanagement
Maldives Post defended the educational qualifications and experience of its management team

Maldives Post has denied reports about an investigation into six corruption cases within the company.

The company denied this in a statement published on social media.

According to reports, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is investigating multiple corruption cases linked to the company. It is also alleged that the employee who exposed these cases has been dismissed from employment. In the six-page long statement released by Maldives Post regarding said allegations, it stated that the whistleblower employee has not been terminated from employment.

However, looking at the statement issued by the company, it notes that the company terminated an employee, and the terminated employee is the one who allegedly blew the whistle.

The statement from Maldives Post noted poor work ethics of the employee and stated that the employee was an underperforming staff member. Maldives Post has also alleged that some senior officials of the company faced acts of intimidation from said employee. The statement asserted that there is no truth to claims about hiring employees based on management's personal interests or favoritism in the company's recruitment process.

Maldives Post has denied allegations of employee recruitment bias, stating that with their current HR policies in place, there is no opportunity for corruption in the hiring process. The company has also denied claims that goods are being stored at the post shop established at Velana International Airport (VIA) to facilitate business for specific parties.

The company went on to deny allegations that they manipulate attendance records to benefit the company's management, as well as claims that the Managing Director and Board Members receive unreasonably high and inappropriate salaries and benefits. The company also refused claims that promotions are being given against the policies in place.

They stated that false news reports are being circulated to devalue the company. The company's statement also read that a group of five individuals “who don’t even have O' Level certificates” were circulating the post, and that some people were working to undermine the company's credibility.

Although the statement noted that accusations were being made against five individuals questioning the educational qualifications of the company's management, Maldives Post did not reveal who these individuals were. However, the post stated that the five individuals who are being criticized for having low educational qualifications are individuals who have obtained bachelor's degrees and master's degrees from multiple fields.

Similarly, it has also been stated that these individuals were people who had been working sincerely in various management positions for the progress and development of the company. The statement further said that based on their experience, they have helped bring development and progress to the company.

Maldives Post highlighted that they focus on employee development and empowerment, which has resulted in the formation of both middle management and senior management layers within the company. Maldives Post characterized it as the capability of the company's management.

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