K. Male'
30 Sep 2024 | Mon 16:58
Cases of black market dollar trade
Cases of black market dollar trade
Black market dollar trade
Expats deported for involvement in black market dollar trade
Efforts are being made to send them back as soon as possible
The remaining three are Bangladeshi nationals
Deported were two Indian nationals
Audio of the News

Two out of five expatriates who were caught trading U.S. dollars in the black market, have been deported.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Maldives Immigration revealed that two out of the five foreigners involved in black market dollar trade were deported from the Maldives last week.

The immigration media official revealed that one of them was deported on September 23 and that the second one was deported on September 25.

Deported were two Indian nationals.

The remaining three are Bangladeshi nationals.

When asked about the decision regarding the remaining three expatriates, the immigration official revealed that they would also be deported.

However, he stated that they cannot specify a date for their deportation yet.

RaajjeMV understands that efforts are being made to send them back as soon as possible.

The foreigners arrested for engaging in black market dollar trade were taken into custody on September 5.

Officers who raided the spaces the foreigners were residing in before apprehending them, confiscated hundreds of thousands in cash.

The immigration department also noted that a large number of credit cards were discovered as well.

Last updated at: 5 days ago
Reviewed by: Mariyam Uhaamath
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