K. Male'
19 Sep 2024 | Thu 08:39
Minister of Islamic Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed
Minister of Islamic Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed
president office
Banning Israeli passports
Bill on banning Israeli passports in committee for 100 days: minister implies there’s no rush
Shaheem said that he does not believe that the matter has been delayed
Shaheem said that since it is a work being carried out by the People’s Majlis he wouldn’t speak much about it
Shaheem has said this at a time the bill to ban Israeli passports has been “stuck” in committee for 100 days

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has implied that he does not believe the work on banning Israeli passports has been delayed.

Shaheem said this while speaking at the press conference held at the President’s Office on Wednesday.

Responding to a question posed by a journalist, Shaheem said that since it is a work being carried out by the People’s Majlis he wouldn’t speak much about it.

However, Shaheem said that he does not believe that the matter has been delayed.

Shaheem has said this at a time the bill to ban Israeli passports has been “stuck” in committee for 100 days.

The government announced its decision to amend the law to change the arrangement allowing Israelis to enter the Maldives on 2 June 2024.

After that, the bill to ban Israeli passports was accepted by the People’s Majlis and sent to the 241 Committee on June 10.

The bill was submitted by the former ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s MP for South Galolhu constituency Meekail Naseem, in a bid to amend the Immigration Act, to ban the entry of tourists with Israeli passports into the Maldives.

Although the government has held extraordinary Majlis sittings to pass bills as needed, the work on the bill to ban Israeli passports has not progressed at the committee.

Meanwhile, in the ongoing genocide against innocent Palestinian citizens by Israel, thousands are being martyred every day, with over 42,000 people killed so far. Many of the victims are children and women.

In his speech delivered at the OIC, the Islamic minister called to end Israel’s genocide against innocent Palestinians, on behalf of the Maldivian government.

However, the incumbent administration is struggling to ban Israeli passports, which has been criticized by many.

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