K. Male'
26 Jul 2024 | Fri 20:27
Expatriates protesting in Thinadhoo island of Gaaf Dhaal atoll
Expatriates protesting in Thinadhoo island of Gaaf Dhaal atoll
Migrants protest in Thinadhoo
TM expresses worry over ministry’s decision to deport migrants involved in Thinadhoo protest
The protest was staged by Bangladeshi expatriates in the city of Gaaf Dhaal atoll in the past week
TM revealed that everyone has the right to peaceful assembly and association
In an interview to a media outlet, Minister Ihusaan stressed that the organizers of the protest must be deported as it is a visa violation for migrants to partake in “political activities”

Transparency Maldives has expressed concern regarding the government’s decision to deport the migrants who were involved in organizing a protest in Thinadhoo island of Gaaf Dhaal atoll.

The anti-corruption watchdog issued the press release jointly with the Association for Democracy in the Maldives and the Public Interest Law Centre on Friday.

The joint press release reads that the organizations are “gravely” concerned by the decision taken by the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology to arrest and deport the migrants involved in the organizing the protest in Thinadhoo island.

The protest was staged by Bangladeshi expatriates in the city of Gaaf Dhaal atoll in the past week.

Citing Article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, TM revealed that everyone has the right to peaceful assembly and association.

Noting that these are protected rights even in the second chapter of the Constitution of Maldives, TM highlighted that Article 32 of the Constitution grants everyone the right to freedom of peaceful assembly without prior permission of the government. 

In an interview to a media outlet, Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan on 25 July 2024 stressed that the organizers of the protest must be deported as it is a visa violation for migrants to partake in “political activities”.

The anti-corruption watchdog went on to highlight that the peaceful protest was organized by Bangladeshi migrants in the city was in solidarity with the ongoing protests across Bangladesh.  

Emphasizing that imposing a condition on visas that deprives fundamental right guaranteed under the Maldivian Constitution is illegal, TM stated that it is a grave violation of fundamental rights given to workers and it is concerning that such restrictions are being used to justify arbitrary arrests, termination and deportation of migrants in Maldives.  

With this, TM has called on the government to uphold constitutional and international human rights conventions and revoke the decision to deport migrants for exercising their Constitutionally guaranteed right.   

Further, calling to adopt the international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families, TM has pushed authorities to refrain from the use of arbitrary measures and discrimination when it comes to protecting the rights and protections guaranteed to all migrants under Maldivian laws. 

Making up 32 percent of the working population, migrants play a pivotal role in the society and make significant contributions across several sectors and the Maldivian Constitution guarantees all migrants freedom from discrimination, the right to form associations, and the right to strike and peaceful assembly.

TM has urged the government and all non-state parties to work towards ensuring these fundamental constitutional and international human rights of migrants in the Maldives.

Last updated at: 2 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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