K. Male'
19 Sep 2023 | Tue 15:00
BML's new promotion; send money overseas and win big
BML's new promotion; send money overseas and win big
Bank of Maldives
Bank of Maldives' new promotion
BML's new promotion; send money overseas and win big
The promotion is open for all customers using the service from 19th September to 18th December 2023
The bank will be choosing weekly winners by a draw every week during the promotion period
Three grand prize winners will be chosen by the end of the promotion period

Bank of Maldives (BML) has announced a new promotion that gives its customers the opportunity to win grand prizes by sending money overseas via its International Money Transfer service.

This new promotion was announced on Tuesday.

BML states that three grand prize winners will be chosen by the end of the promotion period.

As such, the grand prize winners of the promotion will be awarded MVR 15,000 and will be chosen by a draw conducted at the end of the promotion period.

Additionally, the bank will also be choosing weekly winners by a draw every week during the promotion period.

For transactions below USD 500, three winners will receive a gift card of MVR 750.

For transactions of USD 501 to USD 1000, three winners will receive a gift card of MVR 2000.

For transactions of USD 1001 and above, three winners will receive a gift card of MVR 3500.

The promotion is open for all customers using the service from 19th September to 18th December 2023.

Last updated at: 1 year ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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