K. Male'
17 Sep 2023 | Sun 16:02
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's motorcade was disrupted while he was returning from an event
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's motorcade was disrupted while he was returning from an event
Obstruction of President Solih's motorcade
Obstruction of president's motorcade: suspect's remand extended
The Maldivian president’s security was breached by the opposition while he was returning from the official function
A total of five individuals were arrested and charged in connection with the case
Arrested in connection with the case is Inaash Abdulla, native to Vaadhoo island of Gaaf Dhaal atoll

The remand period of the man arrested in the case of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s security being breached by the opposition, has been extended.

Arrested in connection with the incident is Inaash Abdulla, native to Vaadhoo island of Gaaf Dhaal atoll.

The suspect is accused of obstructing law enforcement officers. As such, the incident report highlights that he disregarded police instructions to stop, and obstructed the motorcade in a state of intoxication.

As he was considered a danger to public safety and security, Inaash was remanded previously as well. His remand period expired on September 16 with which he was given 10 additional days in remand.

According to the court order, the suspect had confessed that he had obstructed the president’s motorcade.

The suspect asserted that he was schizophrenic and was registered and under the watch of the Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services as well.

Police cited the gender ministry having revealed that they had no such records of the suspect.

The suspect was arrested in connection with two cases linked to drugs, during August this year.

President Solih’s security was breached, after protestors from the opposition coalition comprising of Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) and the People’s National Congress (PNC) blocked his motorcade while he was returning from an event on the evening of 20 March 2023. Several arrests were made shortly after.

The Maldivian president’s security was breached by the opposition while he was returning from the official function held in Hulhumalé to celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day.

His motorcade was passing through Boduthakurufaanu road when opposition protesters stopped his car and blocked its path.

Videos circulating on social media showed that the president’s motorcade was blocked near Cibo restaurant. The videos showed police officers trying to stop the protestors from blocking the motorcade.

Some protesters took to social media saying that the president was unable to travel through the area and had to withdraw the motorcade.

A total of five individuals were arrested and charged in connection with the case.

Charges were raised against; Hulhumale' Plot 11328, Mohamed Abbas, Register No. RS9151 Ahmed Rasheed, Hulhumale' Flat 154-2-06, Ahmed Azeel, G.A. Dhehvadhoo, Estonvilla, Ahmed Sinan and Sh. Bilehfahi Shady Corner, Mariyam Maashaa.

As such, Mohammed Abbas, Ahmed Rasheed and Ahmed Azeel were charged with obstruction of public proceedings under Section 533 of the Penal Code on 31 May 2023.

Ahmed Sinan and Mariyam Maashaa was charged with aggravated assault under Section 615 of the Penal Code and obstruction of public proceedings Section 533 of the same Act, on 16 May 2023.

The charges were raised against all five individuals at the Criminal Court.

Minister of Defence and National Security Mariya Ahmed Didi, in consultation with the leadership of the National Defence Force, constituted a special committee to investigate the matter. MP Mohamed Aslam, Parliamentary Group Leader of the main-ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and Chair of the National Security Committee, submitted the case to the committee regarding the breaching of the president’s security.

The committee reached the decision to summon relevant agencies and institutions to seek details of the case. The committee will be seeking if there was negligence in the conduct of the incident and if there was proper communication between the police and armed forces.

As this is the first time a group of protestors have blocked a president’s motorcade, the committee members unanimously agreed that the matter should be probed as a serious matter.

The members also called on authorities to take all the necessary precautions to ensure such an incident does not repeat, as this is the first time that a security failure of such extent has taken place, while the motorcade of the leader of the country was passing through the streets.

The People’s Majlis Committee on National Security Services or the 241 Committee is also looking into the matter of President Solih’s motorcade being obstructed, with MNDF also having launched a probe.

Commanding Officer of the Presidential Guards, Colonel Abdullah Ibrahim was temporarily relieved of his duties, in connection with the case. The unit was temporarily handed over to Deputy Commander Major Ahmed Haleem.

The president’s security breach shook the nation, with some people asserting that this act cannot be seen as a political gimmick, with some even stressing that President Solih wasn’t given the full level of security he required at the time.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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