K. Male'
12 Sep 2023 | Tue 15:22
EyeCare’s Initiative: Inauguration of the Water and Sewerage System in Adh. Mandhoo Island
EyeCare’s Initiative: Inauguration of the Water and Sewerage System in Adh. Mandhoo Island
Eyecare opticals
Water, sewerage system in Mandhoo
EyeCare initiates inauguration of water and sewerage system in ADh. Mandhoo
The project reflects the company's ongoing dedication to improving community well-being
EyeCare highlighted that their dedication to improve the lives of island communities nationwide mirrors the positive impact that CSR initiatives can have
The Mandhoo Water and Sewerage System project was valued at MVR 30 million

EyeCare Maldives has initiated the inauguration of a water and sewerage system in Mandhoo island of Alif Dhaal atoll.

In a publication, EyeCare Maldives revealed that they have taken a significant step towards improving the quality of life for Mandhoo residents in a remarkable display of corporate social responsibility (CSR) by installing a water and sewerage system in Mandhoo with the aim to provide clean water and efficient sewage management to the residents.

Inaugurated on September 1, the project is expected to transform the lives of residents in Mandhoo, with a population of about 502.

The Mandhoo Water and Sewerage System project was valued at MVR 30 million.

EyeCare took on the installation of the essential water and sewerage infrastructure under a CSR agreement with Mandhoo Council.

The project has been successfully implemented and handed over to the council, it was commenced back in 2018.

Following the successful implementation of the water and sewerage network, the Mandhoo council has assigned the operation of the infrastructure to the State Electric Company Ltd (STELCO).

EyeCare highlighted that the transformative project includes the installation of two Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants and that they have provided the community with two storage tanks with a total capacity of 74 tonnes, which will consecutively ensure a dependable and constant supply of clean water.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Managing Director of STELCO, Ahmed Shareef expressed his sincere gratitude to EyeCare and shed light on the significance of private sector involvement in community development.

The government and its affiliated entities alone may not be able to develop enough using the resources available to them. That's why we invite the private sector, and the doors are open to get involved in developments that benefit the community."
Ahmed Shareef, Managing Director of STELCO.

Further, EyeCare’s Managing Director Dr. Abdulla Zahir also spoke at the event, shedding light on the importance of the project.

He stated that they were able to successfully complete this project with the help and hard work of residents and the council.

Clean water and a proper sewerage system are basic needs that have been lacking on Mandhoo Island for too long. We were able to successfully complete this project with the help and hard work of residents and the council. Moreover, we firmly believe that this initiative will reduce health issues caused by unsafe water by up to 70%."
Dr. Abdulla Zahir, EyeCare’s Managing Director.

Concluding his speech, Dr. Zahir thanked the island council and residents for their support throughout the project and pledged to continue working closely with the community to bring more positive developments in the future.

EyeCare highlighted that their dedication to improve the lives of island communities nationwide mirrors the positive impact that CSR initiatives can have on communities.

Further, they noted that their commitment to the island community extends beyond the water and sewerage system, as the company has also contributed to the island's development in other ways through CSR efforts including the construction of a youth center, the establishment of a high-quality waste management center and additional support provided by Fiyavalhu Resort Maldives, operated by EyeCare, as well as assistance in speed boat transfers to and from the island.

Last updated at: 1 year ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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