K. Male'
30 Jun 2023 | Fri 06:13
Maldivian pilgrims
Maldivian pilgrims
Maldives Hajj Coporation
Maldivian pilgrim goes missing
Maldivian hajj pilgrim goes missing
Efforts are currently underway to locate Naseem, with the help of the relevant Saudi authorities
Adeel confirmed that the matter has also been reported to the Saudi authorities
Missing is a 72-year-old man identified as Mohamed Naseem Ali

A Maldivian hajj pilgrim has been reported missing.

Missing is a 72-year-old man identified as Mohamed Naseem Ali, who travelled for the hajj pilgrimage to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia this year through Al Haramain Hajj and Umrah Group.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Adeel revealed that Naseem’s family has also been notified that he has gone missing.

Adeel stated that Naseem was with the group a day before Hajj Day and that he went missing after the group left for Arafat.

Stressing that it has been three days since then, Adeel highlighted that the Hajj mission and Al Haramain group are currently leading a search party for the missing Maldivian man.

Further, Adeel confirmed that the matter has also been reported to the Saudi authorities.

Efforts are currently underway to locate Naseem, with the help of the relevant Saudi authorities.

There have been incidences of Maldivian pilgrims performing Hajj and Umrah, going missing and losing their way.

Pilgrims are given a card that carries the information required to contact their hajj group, in case they go missing or lose their way.

Last updated at: 1 year ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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