K. Male'
30 Mar 2023 | Thu 11:07
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Maldives welcomes historic adoption of UNGA Resolution on climate action
The Maldivian government has also reiterated its strong support towards more ambitious climate action which is a strong pillar of its foreign policy
Maldives has been a strong supporter of international initiatives that contributes towards the fight against climate change

The government of Maldives has welcomed the “historic” adoption of a consensus Resolution regarding climate action, at the United Nations General Assembly.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted that the island nation welcomes the adoption of the UNGA Resolution titled “Request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the obligations of States in respect of climate change.”

The Maldivian government extended congratulations to Prime Minister of Vanuatu Ishmael Kalsakau as well as the government of Vanuatu and members of the core group for their initiative towards the historic adoption of a consensus Resolution.

The ministry revealed that Maldives is included among the 132 co-sponsors of the Resolution.

The “Request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the obligations of States in respect of climate change” Resolution proves to be a defining moment for multilateralism and climate action.

The authority noted that the consequent advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice will provide better understanding and much-needed clarification of the legal implications of climate change under international law on existing international legal obligations.

Further, the foreign ministry added that such an advisory opinion would assist the General Assembly, the UN and its Member States to take bolder and stronger climate action and also proves to be an important step in the fight for climate justice, especially for climate-vulnerable countries and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

Time and time again, Maldives has been a strong supporter of international initiatives that contributes towards the fight against climate change.

The Maldivian government has also reiterated its strong support towards more ambitious climate action which is a strong pillar of its foreign policy.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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